This can be achieved only in the months of June, July and August or by taking a relaxing vacation to any island where the sun bakes the negativity right out of you, or by eating barbecue and corn on the cob in July while playing bocce ball at the beach and somehow your face looks so dewy you could put a three month old baby to shame.
YES people, contrary to popular belief summertime CAN be bottled and you can find it in aisle 4 at Duane Reade; Feria's Ash blonde dye for $10.99.
Please follow steps 1-4 repeating step 4 frequently, Enjoy.
Step 1: Purchase a box of very cheap and very ill marketed hair coloring kit.
Step 2: Purchase a very large bottle of very cheap and very ill marketed wine.
Step 3: Watch multiple Youtube instructional videos of girls talking about their hair in an extremely obnoxious and far too passionate way.
Step 4: Sit for consecutive hours holding a hairdryer to foul smelling foil wrapped hair whilst comsuming numerous glasses of wine.
Result: Blonded ends. It's cool... I swear.
Haha you swear?